
Articles Posted in Domestic Violence


California Court Discusses Domestic Violence Allegations in Divorce Cases

Typically, when evaluating requests for spousal support or modifications of existing obligations, the courts will look at each party’s income and needs and the costs of maintaining the child’s standard of living. They are not limited to these factors, though, but may consider other relevant issues as well. For example,…


California Court Discusses Domestic Violence in Custody Cases

In California, the main concern of the courts in any child custody proceeding is what is in the child’s best interest. This means, among other things, that the court will assess whether one or both parents have a history of engaging in domestic violence. If they do, the court will…


Recognizing the Signs of Child Abuse

While most parents want the best for their children and strive to provide them with safe and loving environments, others, unfortunately, engage in behavior that causes their children to suffer physical, emotional, and psychological trauma. When parents share custody of a child, they may not always be aware that their…


California Court Discusses Demonstrating Judicial Bias in a Family Law Case

Domestic violence is a serious problem affecting many residents of California. Thus, the law allows victims of domestic violence to seek restraining orders preventing them from suffering further harm. Prior to granting an order, the court will hold an evidentiary hearing to determine if there is sufficient evidence of violent…


California Court Discusses Mutual Domestic Violence Restraining Orders

It is not uncommon for a couple in the process of divorcing to become contentious, and in some cases, contention can lead to violence. Frequently, both parties commit acts of domestic violence, and therefore, the California courts are permitted to enter mutual domestic violence restraining orders. In the recent case…


California Court Defines “Dwelling” For Purposes of Restraining Orders

While many people mistakenly believe that domestic violence is a problem that only affects younger people, it is an unfortunate fact that domestic violence can and does occur in every facet of society. If a court finds a party’s claims of domestic violence credible, it will typically draft a domestic…


Checklist of Forms Required to File For or To Defend Against a Domestic Violence Restraining Order In Contra Costa County

DVRO CHECKLIST (CURRENT AS OF 12/1/2019) I. FORMS FOR APPLYING FOR A DOMESTIC VIOLENCE RESTRAINING ORDER IN CONTRA COSTA COUNTY The following forms are mandatory for applying for a Domestic Violence Restraining Order, unless specified as optional below. Please be sure to read each item on the below checklist. Please…

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