
Articles Posted in Divorce


What Does Mediation in a Divorce Case Entail?

People who intend to file for divorce often mistakenly think that they will have to engage in extensive courtroom battles to legally end their marriage. In many California divorce actions, though, parties can resolve their disputes and dissolve their marriage through the process of mediation. Mediation is not appropriate in…


Product of Divorce: One Divorce Lawyer’s Experience with Amicably Divorced Parents

I am a divorce lawyer, and also a product of divorce. I was fortunate enough that it was low-drama, and my childhood was not shaped by the fact that my parents were no longer together. Their amicable divorce helped inspire me to pursue this career, because I want to be…


California Court Discusses Continuing Jurisdiction in Child Support Actions

In many divorce actions in which parents have joint custody, the courts will deem it necessary to order one parent to pay the other support. As child support obligations are largely income-based, in cases in which a parent’s income fluctuates, it may be difficult to determine an appropriate amount, and…


California Court Discusses Determining the Date of Separation in Divorce Cases

In the state of California, without a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement dictating otherwise, any property or income obtained while a couple is married is deemed marital property. Thus, when a couple makes the decision to end their marriage, it becomes vital to pinpoint the date they separated since any earnings…


Court Discusses Vocational Examinations in California Divorce Cases

In many marriages, one couple will act as the sole income earner while the other primarily takes care of the household and children. When a single-income couple divorces, the spouse that does not work outside of the home often experiences financial hardships. As such, the courts will often order the…


California Court Discusses Grounds for Modifying Temporary Spousal Support Orders

In many marriages, one party will work outside of the home while the other takes care of the household and raises the children. If couples with unequal incomes divorce, the lesser-earning party will most likely be at a financial disadvantage, not only after the divorce is final but also while…


Court Discusses Financial Disclosures in California Divorce Actions

One of the most contested issues in divorces is whether child support and spousal support are warranted and how property should be divided. As such, parties in a divorce action have the right to disclosure of each other’s income, assets, and debts prior to the court making any determinations regarding…


Court Discusses Grounds for Granting Temporary Spousal Support in California

When a couple divorces in California, their marital assets are subject to equal division. If the court finds that the distribution of property renders one spouse without adequate means for their support, they may award alimony as well. Additionally, California law permits the courts to grant temporary spousal support while…

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